Tom Rokita is a professional portrait and fashion photographer, that carries the title of Rotolight Ambassador. He started his creative journey in street photography over a decade ago. Many years capturing his surroundings and numerous publications later, he was asked to participate in an event that would change everything. Tom’s sharp vision and eagerness to find the perfect moment shaped his style, which continues to evolve alongside his personal growth.
Tom has worked for many big brands like Perverse Demand, La Dama Lingerie or The Alchemist and through various major fashion events as London fashion week
Keeping true to his roots, location still plays a big role in his work. Finding a space that will match model and outfits is one of his favourite things to do to bring his vision to life.

You can find Tom in London and Oxfordshire (but part of his heart remains in Wales)

Tip from Tom, if you are a beginner portrait Photographer:
-First of all I would say, learn manual mode so you can fully discover the potential of your camera and reach the next level on your photography.
-Second, listen to your model and don’t be afraid to let them be creative too. Collaborating with them will give you a different perspective, it will help you grow and it will create a much better working environment.